
Tickle your brain.

Featured Creations:

Dark Matter may be making these stars live forever. Studying them could reveal deep secrets about the universe.

Life Beyond Remastered: All 3 episodes woven together with new content into a feature-length experience.

Would humans survive the extinction event that killed the dinosaurs? Our resiliency may surprise you.

What is the future of humanity? It might seem bleak, but the case for optimism is strong. Humanity has what it takes to reach transcendent futures.

If you could visit anywhere in the galaxy, where would you go? This cinematic voyage will take you on a tour of worlds you won’t believe are real, from planetary oases to scorching hot gas giants with clouds made of metal.

Who are the masters of the universe? Are we the only intelligent life, or are there others lurking out there? Proudly presenting the third chapter in the Life Beyond trilogy: In Search of Giants. An exploration of intelligent alien life and our place in the universe.

Space is more than just a feast for the eyes. It’s a feast for the ears. You just have to know where -- and when -- to look.

When we look up at night, the universe seems pretty quiet. But that perspective is an illusion; in reality, there are millions of world-shattering events happening every instant across the cosmos. This short film explores just how much is going on every moment in our ridiculously enormous universe.

What if there was a museum that contained every type of life form in the universe? This thought experiment will give us a glimpse into what kinds of life could be out there, and how far nature’s imagination might stretch.


Take a journey back 4.5 billion years to discover the mind-blowing ways in which the Moon may have formed.

Are we alone? Very proud to present LIFE BEYOND: a new film series exploring alien life, deep time, and our place in the universe.


Proudly presenting THE MUSIC OF SOUND: a juicy musical blend of sounds from nature, electronics, everyday life, and pop culture, interlaced with wisdom from musicians and philosophers. 


What does the future look like? This experience takes us on a journey to the end of time, trillions of years into the future, to discover what the fate of our planet and our universe may ultimately be.



Who is melodysheep?

Melodysheep is John D. Boswell, a filmmaker, composer, VFX artist, and editor from the pacific northwest.  His work spans from television and music production to viral remixes and mashups, and has drawn over a quarter billion views online.

In 2017, Melodysheep created the 8 part series ORIGINS for National Geographic, and has done extensive work with Disney, PBS, and many other collaborators.  A TED guest and multiple Webby Award winner, he strives to evoke a sense of awe with his work by celebrating the musicality of life, nature, and pop culture.



Recent Videos


Using raw rover imagery and the sound of actual wind on Mars, I painted this little portrait of Opportunity, our faithful little martian rover friend that was lost earlier this year.


On a cosmic time scale, human history is as brief as the blink of an eye. By compressing all 13.8 billion years of time into a 10 minute scale, this video shows just how young we truly are, and just how ancient and vast our universe is.

My tribute to one of the coolest objects mankind has ever produced - the Voyager Golden Record.